Polymorphic Associations in Rails
.What is the usecase?Suppose two models can be associated to a third model with a common attribute. For example, Image can belong to User as well as Product, because user will have se...
In Ruby, Rails, Activerecord, Jun 19, 2023Multiple Inheritance in Ruby
In this post we will learn about multiple inheritance in ruby.
In Ruby, Rails, May 09, 2023Resolve early termination of worker in Rails
In this post we will resolve the error - Early termination of puma worker.
In Rails, Puma, Postgres, Dec 12, 2022Allow HTTPS traffic via AWS Load balancer and EC2
In this post we will achieve passing only https traffic to EC2 via application load balancer.
In Rails, AWS, ELB, EC2, Apr 07, 2021Rails 6.1 - adds defaults value to enum
How do we define enums? Pretty much like
In Rails, New addition, enum, Jul 04, 2020Rails 6 - Managing API keys using 'credentials'
How do you manage application secret keys? We cannot commit them in Version Control System (like github), it is too dangerous.
In Rails, API keys, Secrets, Jul 04, 2020Setting up Rails Performance dashboard with influxdb and grafana
When application gets stable at some point, we try to improve things we built for a while now. And improving performancetops the list for me. Application performance is a large concep...
In Rails, influxdb, grafana, APM, May 02, 2020Reset primary key sequence
Resetting primary key sequence in Rails can be achieved by simply calling method reset_pk_sequence! on ActiveRecord with table_name.
In Rails, Postgres, Database, Apr 16, 2020Sending Email from Rails
Sending email is integral part of every web application nowadays. In this post we will cover how to send emailsfrom a rails application.
In Rails, Email, Mar 06, 2020Ruby date formatting
Ruby provides two classes to format date string strftime and strptime.
In Rails, Ruby, Jan 01, 2020json and jsonb - Postgresql
Postgresql provides a data-type jsonb to save data from JSON format. There are two ways for it - using jsonand jsonb. This article will clarify difference in short terms.
In Rails, Postgres, Database, Dec 10, 2019Sidekiq By Example : Ruby's background worker
What is the best way of handling background jobs in Rails, (maybe) using sidekiq.
In Rails, Sidekiq, Nov 28, 2019Run seed data only on first Docker instance up
Q: Do we need to run rails db:seed, rails db:migrate every time the deployment happen? Ans - Absolutely no. rails db:seed should only run for the first time i.e. first deployment. But...
In Rails, Nov 22, 2019HTTP request response headers
At the end browser talks in the language of HTTP request. But we really know minimal about it.
In Rails, Http, Aug 20, 2019Rails 6 adds *_previously_was attributes method
Rails had previous_changes method to track value of object before and after save.
In Rails, new release, Aug 02, 2019Scopes in Rails
Recently I was calling create method on an active-record model object. But it failed in validation, because the provided foreign_key_id was not present in the associated table.
In Rails, Scopes, Jul 11, 2019String Comparison: StringInquirer
Generally we use ==/===/eql?/equal? for string comparison in Rails.It does work in all scenarios we needed. But we often tend to look how same things can be done in more clean ways or...
In Rails, Ruby, Jul 07, 2019Squasher: Replacing old migrations
Too many migrations in application makes it painful. Sometimes they are written a long time back, that now you do not even remember. At the point you might want to replace them with s...
In Rails, Migrations, Jun 28, 2019Modify a gem and use it in Rails
Sometimes a situation arises where we need to modify a gem according to our requirement and then successfully integrate into our project. Let’s find out!
In Rails, Gem, Jun 28, 2019Rails Request Lifecycle...
Have you ever wondered how a request is processed in its lifecycle? What happens with request at each stage? Who handles request at what level? Let’s dig it out!
In Rails, Jun 12, 2019How Indexes on database works!
When it comes to performance of an application, databases are highly important and effective. And one of the key factor in database optimisation is index. It helps in getting results ...
In Rails, Database, Jun 08, 2018APIs in Rails 5.0 - overview
Have you ever wonder how APIs work in the world of convention over configuration, specifically in Rails 5.0?
In Rails, Api, Mar 23, 2018Rails Includes vs Joins
When I started learning Rails, I was always in a state of confusion about using includes or joins,because both are used in almost same scenario. Includes uses eager loading whereas jo...
In Rails, Query, Mar 08, 2018Why Rails? Why Ruby?
Ruby on Rails has been a prominent framework for web applications for last couple of years. But what has made it so worthy?
In Rails, Feb 28, 2018Query
Rails Includes vs Joins
When I started learning Rails, I was always in a state of confusion about using includes or joins,because both are used in almost same scenario. Includes uses eager loading whereas jo...
In Rails, Query, Mar 08, 2018Api
APIs in Rails 5.0 - overview
Have you ever wonder how APIs work in the world of convention over configuration, specifically in Rails 5.0?
In Rails, Api, Mar 23, 2018Database
Reset primary key sequence
Resetting primary key sequence in Rails can be achieved by simply calling method reset_pk_sequence! on ActiveRecord with table_name.
In Rails, Postgres, Database, Apr 16, 2020json and jsonb - Postgresql
Postgresql provides a data-type jsonb to save data from JSON format. There are two ways for it - using jsonand jsonb. This article will clarify difference in short terms.
In Rails, Postgres, Database, Dec 10, 2019How Indexes on database works!
When it comes to performance of an application, databases are highly important and effective. And one of the key factor in database optimisation is index. It helps in getting results ...
In Rails, Database, Jun 08, 2018Gem
Modify a gem and use it in Rails
Sometimes a situation arises where we need to modify a gem according to our requirement and then successfully integrate into our project. Let’s find out!
In Rails, Gem, Jun 28, 2019Migrations
Squasher: Replacing old migrations
Too many migrations in application makes it painful. Sometimes they are written a long time back, that now you do not even remember. At the point you might want to replace them with s...
In Rails, Migrations, Jun 28, 2019Ruby
What is self in Ruby?
self is a keyword in ruby which means it is reserved by Ruby to serve a specific purpose and we cannot use it like regular variables (although you can override it, but you shouldn’t).
In Ruby, Sep 08, 2023Keywords in Ruby
Keywords are special words in Ruby which are reserved by the language and have predefined uses. Each keyword serves a different implementation than other. Let’s dive into these keywor...
In Ruby, Sep 04, 2023Polymorphic Associations in Rails
.What is the usecase?Suppose two models can be associated to a third model with a common attribute. For example, Image can belong to User as well as Product, because user will have se...
In Ruby, Rails, Activerecord, Jun 19, 2023Multiple Inheritance in Ruby
In this post we will learn about multiple inheritance in ruby.
In Ruby, Rails, May 09, 2023Ruby date formatting
Ruby provides two classes to format date string strftime and strptime.
In Rails, Ruby, Jan 01, 2020String Comparison: StringInquirer
Generally we use ==/===/eql?/equal? for string comparison in Rails.It does work in all scenarios we needed. But we often tend to look how same things can be done in more clean ways or...
In Rails, Ruby, Jul 07, 2019Scopes
Scopes in Rails
Recently I was calling create method on an active-record model object. But it failed in validation, because the provided foreign_key_id was not present in the associated table.
In Rails, Scopes, Jul 11, 2019new release
Rails 6 adds *_previously_was attributes method
Rails had previous_changes method to track value of object before and after save.
In Rails, new release, Aug 02, 2019Command line
HTTP request response headers
At the end browser talks in the language of HTTP request. But we really know minimal about it.
In Rails, Http, Aug 20, 2019Sidekiq
Sidekiq By Example : Ruby's background worker
What is the best way of handling background jobs in Rails, (maybe) using sidekiq.
In Rails, Sidekiq, Nov 28, 2019Postgres
What is libpq?
You might have heard about libpq while installing/operating postgresql. But what is libpq? Let’s understand.
In Postgres, Jul 03, 2023Resolve early termination of worker in Rails
In this post we will resolve the error - Early termination of puma worker.
In Rails, Puma, Postgres, Dec 12, 2022Reset primary key sequence
Resetting primary key sequence in Rails can be achieved by simply calling method reset_pk_sequence! on ActiveRecord with table_name.
In Rails, Postgres, Database, Apr 16, 2020json and jsonb - Postgresql
Postgresql provides a data-type jsonb to save data from JSON format. There are two ways for it - using jsonand jsonb. This article will clarify difference in short terms.
In Rails, Postgres, Database, Dec 10, 2019Sending Email from Rails
Sending email is integral part of every web application nowadays. In this post we will cover how to send emailsfrom a rails application.
In Rails, Email, Mar 06, 2020influxdb
Setting up Rails Performance dashboard with influxdb and grafana
When application gets stable at some point, we try to improve things we built for a while now. And improving performancetops the list for me. Application performance is a large concep...
In Rails, influxdb, grafana, APM, May 02, 2020grafana
Setting up Rails Performance dashboard with influxdb and grafana
When application gets stable at some point, we try to improve things we built for a while now. And improving performancetops the list for me. Application performance is a large concep...
In Rails, influxdb, grafana, APM, May 02, 2020APM
Setting up Rails Performance dashboard with influxdb and grafana
When application gets stable at some point, we try to improve things we built for a while now. And improving performancetops the list for me. Application performance is a large concep...
In Rails, influxdb, grafana, APM, May 02, 2020API keys
Rails 6 - Managing API keys using 'credentials'
How do you manage application secret keys? We cannot commit them in Version Control System (like github), it is too dangerous.
In Rails, API keys, Secrets, Jul 04, 2020Secrets
Rails 6 - Managing API keys using 'credentials'
How do you manage application secret keys? We cannot commit them in Version Control System (like github), it is too dangerous.
In Rails, API keys, Secrets, Jul 04, 2020New addition
Rails 6.1 - adds defaults value to enum
How do we define enums? Pretty much like
In Rails, New addition, enum, Jul 04, 2020enum
Rails 6.1 - adds defaults value to enum
How do we define enums? Pretty much like
In Rails, New addition, enum, Jul 04, 2020AWS
Allow HTTPS traffic via AWS Load balancer and EC2
In this post we will achieve passing only https traffic to EC2 via application load balancer.
In Rails, AWS, ELB, EC2, Apr 07, 2021ELB
Allow HTTPS traffic via AWS Load balancer and EC2
In this post we will achieve passing only https traffic to EC2 via application load balancer.
In Rails, AWS, ELB, EC2, Apr 07, 2021EC2
Allow HTTPS traffic via AWS Load balancer and EC2
In this post we will achieve passing only https traffic to EC2 via application load balancer.
In Rails, AWS, ELB, EC2, Apr 07, 2021Puma
Resolve early termination of worker in Rails
In this post we will resolve the error - Early termination of puma worker.
In Rails, Puma, Postgres, Dec 12, 2022Activerecord
Polymorphic Associations in Rails
.What is the usecase?Suppose two models can be associated to a third model with a common attribute. For example, Image can belong to User as well as Product, because user will have se...
In Ruby, Rails, Activerecord, Jun 19, 2023