HAML - Beautifying HTMLs

Beautifying HTMLs using HAML

In Rails, Markup, HTML, Jul 18, 2024

How Indexes on database works!

When it comes to performance of an application, databases are highly important and effective. And one of the key factor in database o...

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HAML - Beautifying HTMLs

Beautifying HTMLs using HAML

In Rails, Markup, HTML, Jul 18, 2024

Transaction by Example in Rails

What is transaction?

In Rails, Database, Oct 29, 2023

What is self in Ruby?

self is a keyword in ruby which means it is reserved by Ruby to serve a specific purpose and we cannot use it like regular variables (although you can override it, but you shouldn’t).

In Ruby, Sep 08, 2023

Keywords in Ruby

Keywords are special words in Ruby which are reserved by the language and have predefined uses. Each keyword serves a different implementation than other. Let’s dive into these keywor...

In Ruby, Sep 04, 2023

What is libpq?

You might have heard about libpq while installing/operating postgresql. But what is libpq? Let’s understand.

In Postgres, Jul 03, 2023

Polymorphic Associations in Rails

.What is the usecase?Suppose two models can be associated to a third model with a common attribute. For example, Image can belong to User as well as Product, because user will have se...

In Ruby, Rails, Activerecord, Jun 19, 2023

Multiple Inheritance in Ruby

In this post we will learn about multiple inheritance in ruby.

In Ruby, Rails, May 09, 2023

Resolve early termination of worker in Rails

In this post we will resolve the error - Early termination of puma worker.

In Rails, Puma, Postgres, Dec 12, 2022

Allow HTTPS traffic via AWS Load balancer and EC2

In this post we will achieve passing only https traffic to EC2 via application load balancer.

In Rails, AWS, ELB, EC2, Apr 07, 2021

Rails 6.1 - adds defaults value to enum

How do we define enums? Pretty much like

In Rails, New addition, enum, Jul 04, 2020